Tourism is a strategic sector for the Spanish economy, representing 12.4 percent of GDP at the national level and 12.9 percent of total employment in the economy in 2019, as well as being an effective tool at the service of social and territorial cohesion, economic development and population fixation.
Tourism is a strategic sector for the Spanish economy, representing 12.4 percent of GDP at the national level and 12.9 percent of total employment in the economy in 2019, as well as being an effective tool at the service of social and territorial cohesion, economic development and population fixation.
Following the declaration by the World Health Organization of the international pandemic caused by COVID-19 on March 11, 2020 and the rapid spread of this disease, both nationally and internationally, the Member States of the European Union quickly adopted coordinated emergency measures to protect the health of citizens and prevent the collapse of the economy.
These measures have had a drastic economic and social impact on all the countries of the European Union. This impact has motivated the need to react quickly by adopting urgent and forceful measures with the aim of cushioning the effect of this unprecedented crisis and promoting the early economic recovery, thereby laying the foundations for growth in the coming decades.
The European Council of 21 July 2020, aware of the need at this historic moment for an unprecedented effort and an innovative approach to boost convergence, resilience and transformation in the European Union, agreed on a far-reaching package of measures, known as the European Union Recovery Instrument (Next Generation EU), amounting to €750 billion, composed of two instruments: the Recovery and Resilience Facility (hereinafter referred to as the MRR) and the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU).
As a result of these agreements, the European Union has adopted the Regulation (EU) n.or 2020/2094 of 14 December 2020, establishing a European Union Recovery Instrument to support recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and the Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the recovery and resilience mechanism. This Mechanism is the central axis of the Extraordinary Recovery Measures of the European Union.
The funding will help Member States address the economic and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, while ensuring that their economies undertake the green and digital transitions to be more sustainable and resilient, with investments that accelerate recovery and strengthen growth.
In this context, the general framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan «Spain Can» was approved on October 7, 2020, which outlines the roadmap for the modernization of the Spanish economy. The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (hereinafter, Recovery Plan) is a country project, which requires the involvement of all economic and social agents, all levels of government and all the resources of the Public Administration. The projects that constitute the Recovery Plan will allow the realization of structural reforms in the coming years, through regulatory changes and investments, and, therefore, will allow a change of the productive model for the recovery of the economy after the pandemic caused by COVID 19, and also a transformation towards a more resilient structure, which allows our model to successfully face other possible crises or challenges in the future, and inclusive, of special relevance, all for the public, social and economic interest.
The Recovery Plan, which was approved by the Council Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021, on the approval of the evaluation of Spain’s recovery and resilience plan, as set out in the articles 18 and 20 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021, is articulated from four axes (ecological transition, social and territorial cohesion, digitalization and gender equality), which are materialized in ten lever policies, which in turn integrate thirty components that articulate in a coherent and complementary way the different priority driving initiatives of structural reform, both regulatory and investment promotion, to contribute to achieving the overall objectives of the Recovery Plan.
Each component focuses on a specific challenge or objective and includes the different Programs and their corresponding lines of action: reforms and investments for the reinforcement of natural, technological and human capital, to increase productivity and potential growth that generates employment.
The line of aid that is regulated by this order is included in Component 14 of the Recovery Plan, called «Plan for modernization and competitiveness of the tourism sector», in investment 2, «Program of digitalization and intelligence for destinations and tourism sector», which aims to implement actions to promote the digitalization of tourist destinations and tourism companies, contributing to the achievement of Objective 222 of the Council Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021.
The objective of this investment 2 is to develop an intelligent destination platform that provides interoperability to the offer of public and private services to tourists. This will be complemented by the development of a Tourism Intelligence System and a set of initiatives to promote the Spanish Network of Smart Destinations. Actions under this investment will also support digital solutions based on artificial intelligence and other enabling technologies in companies in the tourism sector, and provide funding for the development of industrial data spaces and the promotion of digital innovation in the tourism sector.
To face this, the acquisition of new scientific knowledge is essential, which is why it is included, as project 1, this line of aid focused on responding to the great challenges of tourist destinations, which will allow the acquisition of such knowledge developed in universities and other knowledge and R & D centers that complement the Smart Destination Platform, and thus be able to comply with the aforementioned objective 222, Implementation and implementation of a fully operational Intelligent Destination Platform. That is why, in line with what is indicated in the Recovery Plan, the aid to research organizations for projects in this framework imply that this will be the first phase to implement the intelligent platform of destinations because prior to the analysis of the technical and technological viability of the platform, it is necessary to proceed to analyze the challenges of Smart Tourist Destinations (DTI), the set of market solutions or the possibilities of developing it. With the generation of this new knowledge that will contribute to the implementation of this platform, it will be possible to guarantee the sustainable development of the tourist territory, which is accessible to all, which facilitates the interaction and integration of the visitor with the environment and increases the quality of their experience in the destination and improves the quality of life of the resident thanks to new technologies and a process of continuous innovation.
For this, it is understood that in addition to other mechanisms, a dialogue with destinations, companies, solution providers, this research in the areas included in the order is the indispensable preliminary phase to achieve the effective implementation of the platform of smart tourist destinations. It will also serve as another mechanism to evaluate the economic viability of the same after configuring the associated costs of construction, implementation and operation through the corresponding investigations.
The impact of the high incidence of COVID-19 and the measures adopted has been strongly felt on the contribution of tourism to GDP and employment in the sector.
Spain received 18.9 million foreign tourists in 2020, 77.3% less than the 83.5 million in 2019, in the worst year in the history of the sector, practically paralyzed worldwide since March 2020 to try to curb the spread of COVID-19.
The income figures left by these tourists suffered a similar cut: From the 91,912 million euros that had entered Spain for this concept in 2019 it went to 19,740 million euros in 2020, 78.5% less, according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
All this has put at risk a sector with a high incidence of self-employed and micro-SMEs and with an essential economic and social function for the economic and social cohesion of our country, leaving in a very compromised situation numerous tourist destinations in Spain in need of recovering the levels of competitiveness prior to the crisis.
In this context, new opportunities are opening up to rethink and transform some of the predominant tourism growth models in Spanish destinations and promote new ones that allow taking advantage of all the advantages of a more sustainable, climate-neutral and digital development, aligned with the main priorities established by Europe, and in line with an increasingly demanding tourist demand and aware of the impact that its activity causes on the territories. in which it develops. Continuing to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector and continuing to offer differential value propositions to our current and future tourists, requires being able to promote the generation of more and better research and knowledge, which allows the development of new capacities aimed at responding to the great challenges, present and future, of a sector immersed in a process of accelerated metamorphosis driven by digitalization and the ecological transition that condition preferences and behaviors of the tourists who visit us, as well as the nature of the tourist experience itself and, therefore, of the tourist service providers themselves.
The magnitude and speed of the changes that the tourism sector is experiencing at a global level requires accelerating the pace of the current processes of scientific production and innovation in tourism in Spain, while the much-needed transfer and adoption of it by public and private actors must be intensified. promoting the conversion into smart tourist destinations formed as more competitive, sustainable, innovative, resilient and, ultimately, intelligent ecosystems.
This call aims to promote the generation of scientific knowledge applied in the field of tourism, through quality research, aimed at responding to the social, environmental, economic and technological challenges in which the current tourism sector is immersed, increasing its competitiveness and maintaining its position of international leadership Through research, it will be possible to discover the facts in an orderly and systematic way, share the evidence and discuss or deepen certain aspects of the tourist reality. It is intended to advance in the incorporation of new and more relevant knowledge and scientific-technical results related to tourist destinations.
The purpose of this line of aid is to promote the generation of a critical mass in R + D + i of an interdisciplinary nature for its application, transfer, search for solutions and generation of results at the service of the great challenges faced by tourist destinations and in a special way, not exclusive, those that are integrated into the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations (hereinafter, RDTI), whose main objective is to lead from sustainability the development of the tourism sector through innovation and technology. That is the objective of the Smart Tourist Destinations, which come together in the DTI Network to promote synergies and knowledge transfer maximizing the benefits of the DTI methodology. It also aims to promote and consolidate the DTI Network: an investment that allows the increase in the number of events, conferences and meetings between members; education and training; the development of publications; the development of common services and the implementation of expert groups with the recruitment of profiles and specialized services.
The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism formalized the launch of the DTI Network with about 70 members in October 2018. Meanwhile, on February 27, 2019, the protocol that formalized the adhesion of its members was signed and the first meeting of the plenary committee was held. The Secretary of State for Tourism and Sociedad Mercantil Estatal para la Gestión de la Innovación y las Tecnologías Turísticas, S.A.M.P (SEGITTUR) coordinate the Network created with the objectives of promoting the conversion of Spanish tourist destinations to smart destinations and their adherence to the Network, promoting public-public and public-private collaboration in the development of products, services and actions of the Smart Tourist Destinations, contribute to guarantee the leadership of Spain in terms of tourism intelligence through the actions carried out by the Network, and guarantee the quality and evolution of the DTI project.
The Network operates in areas with an internal focus, carrying out advisory actions in the application of the methodology and promoting the exchange of experiences and good practices among its members. And it also does so in areas with an external focus giving visibility to the project and the DTI, at the national and international level, disseminating the work done and contributing to highlight Spain’s leadership in tourism intelligence.
Likewise, these projects aim to strengthen the international leadership capacity of the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation and its agents in the tourism field, contributing to improve the competitiveness of our destinations, and their international projection.
The research projects included in this call will be carried out by universities, public R&D&I centres, technology centres and public and private non-profit entities linked to science, technology, research and innovation. These projects aim to achieve a generation of scientific knowledge through quality research aimed at finding solutions to the economic, environmental and technological problems of tourist destinations to promote their recovery after the impact of the pandemic, it is articulated around seven areas of study that will allow to achieve a digitalization of them: 1) Recovery and resilience of destiny; 2) Sustainable, intelligent, connected and integrated mobility at the destination; 3) Climate change, adaptation and mitigation strategies and measures at the destination; 4) Sustainability, ecological transition and circular economy at the destination; 5) Measurement, modelling and analysis of tourism activity in the destination; 6) Product or process innovation at the destination; 7) Digitization.
This order is approved in accordance with the provisions of the Article 61 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December, approving urgent measures for the modernization of the Public Administration and for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and in accordance with the Article 17.1 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies.
In addition, in view of the necessary urgency to grant aid within the framework of the European funds «Next Generation EU» and in accordance with the Article 61.1 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December, this order of bases incorporates the call for aid.
This order is structured for systematic reasons in three chapters. The first chapter contains provisions of a general nature. The second chapter sets out the regulatory bases. The third chapter regulates the call for aid for the year 2021.
On the other hand, in accordance with the provisions of the Recovery Plan, in the Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of 12 February 2021, and its implementing legislation, in particular the Commission Communication entitled Technical Guide on the Application of the Principle of ‘No Significant Harm’ under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation and, in accordance with the requirements of the Council Implementing Decision approving the assessment of Spain’s recovery and resilience plan, all actions financed under the Recovery Plan must respect the so-called principle of not causing significant harm to the environment (DNSH principle, «Do No Significant Harm»), this includes compliance with the specific conditions provided for in Component 14, Plan for the modernization and competitiveness of the tourism sector, of the PRTR. and in particular with regard to the conditions set out in paragraphs 3, 6 and 8 of the Plan Component document.
This order is issued under the provisions of the Article 149.1.15.ª of the Spanish Constitution, which recognizes the exclusive competence of the State, for the promotion and general coordination of scientific and technical research, with which, the actions of the General Administration of the State in the framework of this matter, more specifically in terms of promotion and general coordination of R + D + i, also have a transversal character, making it necessary to coordinate closely with the sectoral strategies, defined by the different ministerial departments.
With regard to ‘scientific and technical research’, the Constitutional Court has stated in Judgment 90/1992, FJ 2.A), that: ‘As regards the Article 149.1.15 of the EC, it should be noted that state competence in the field of scientific and technical research is not limited or limited to the general coordination of the activity resulting from the exercise of regional competences in that area, but also extends to the promotion of scientific and technical research. (…)».
Likewise, in STC 175/2003, FJ 8, it stated that «Starting with the aid that falls within the scope of the «promotion and general coordination of scientific and technical research», it should be remembered that this matter is reserved to the State, in accordance with what is regulated in the Article 149.1.15 EC. As we pointed out before, this competence includes the normative and executive actions necessary for the full development of the activity of promotion and promotion (SSTC 90/1992, F. 2 and 190/2002, F. 8, among others), so that it is perfectly consistent with the constitutional system of distribution of competences that «the State regulates, under the aforementioned Article 149.1.15 EC the conditions for granting subsidies in the end correctly ordered to promote the research and development of technical innovations… (including procedural rules) and to take over the administrative processing of such subsidies’ (STC 190/2000, F. 12)’.
In addition, it is essential «that it is not a mere formal invocation, since we have affirmed that for this title of competence to be applicable, it must be clear that the main or predominant activity was the researcher» (STC 190/2000, FJ 8). This activity can also be projected on any subject (STC 90 /1992, FJ 2.A).
This is the case of the aid regulated in this order, aimed at carrying out R&D projects to respond to the challenges of tourist destinations, which have a marked innovative character.
The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, through the Secretary of State for Tourism, is the Department of the General State Administration responsible for the proposal and implementation of tourism policy.
Specifically, the Royal Decree 998/2018, of 3 August, which develops the basic organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, attributes to the Secretary of State for Tourism, among others, the functions of definition, development, coordination and execution of the Tourism Policies of the State, without prejudice to the competences of the Interministerial Commission on Tourism, as well as the institutional tourism relations of the General State Administration with international organizations, public or private, and international tourism cooperation, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. On the other hand, this order provides for the participation as a collaborating entity in this line of aid of the State Mercantile Society for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies, S.A.M.P (SEGITTUR), a state mercantile company dependent on the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and attached to the Secretary of State for Tourism. This entity, a member of the state public sector and the General State Administration, is responsible for promoting innovation (R + D + i) in the Spanish tourism sector, both in the public sector (new models and channels of promotion, management and creation of smart destinations, etc.) and in the private sector (support for entrepreneurs, new models of sustainable and more competitive management, export of Spanish technology), hence it is the most appropriate to develop this role, in accordance with the selection rules established in article 16 of the Law 38/2003, of 18 november.
Likewise, the aid contemplated in this order is included in the updated Plan 2021 of the Strategic Plan of Subsidies of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism prepared in a context conditioned by the health crisis and marked from the budgetary point of view by the approval of the General State Budgets for 2021 (Law 11/2020, of 30 December, on the General State Budget for the year 2021)and by the approval of the Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021, regulating the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRM) under the European Recovery Instrument (Next Generation). This incardination is carried out through the first of the five strategic lines of the Plan that aims to promote digitalization and innovation in the productive sectors within the competence of the Ministry.
Bearing in mind that the subsidies regulated in this order must be used to finance non-economic activities of research and knowledge dissemination organisations, the existence of State aid is ruled out, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.1.1 of the Commission Communication on the Framework on State aid for research and development and innovation, as the requirements of Article 107.1 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are not met.
On the other hand, this line of aid, being included in investment 2 of component 14 of the Recovery Plan, is assigned a digital label with the label 010, corresponding to the digitization of SMEs (including e-business and e-commerce and networked business processes, digital innovation poles, living laboratories, e-entrepreneurs, ICT-based start-ups, business-to-business e-commerce), so all funded actions should be able to be included in that category.
This standard is in accordance with the principles of good regulation referred to in the Article 129 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. In this sense, the principles of necessity and effectiveness are guaranteed, since the standard is the most appropriate instrument for the interests pursued, the main one being to favor the strengthening of scientific knowledge in tourism. The rule is in accordance with the principle of proportionality by containing the essential regulation to achieve the objective of guaranteeing the purposes pursued, imposing only the conditions established by European and Spanish regulations. It complies with the principle of legal certainty, being consistent with the law of the European Union and the rest of the legal system, following the principles of clarity and certainty, which facilitates its knowledge and understanding and, consequently, the action and decision-making of companies. Moreover, the standard is consistent with the principles of efficiency, while the standard ensures the maximum effectiveness of its postulates to ensure that aid reaches all beneficiaries in an agile manner. As for the principle of transparency, this standard establishes criteria for the evaluation of applications that are objective, public and previously known, and guarantees a wide participation of their potential recipients in their preparation. In relation to the principles of effectiveness, efficiency and transparency, competitive competition has been used as it is the most appropriate instrument to guarantee the effective implementation of the Government’s public policies in this area, ensuring equal opportunities. The regulatory bases of the aid included in the scope of application of this order incorporate the provisions, guarantees and controls contained in the Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, as well as those of its Development regulation, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, all applications for aid being subject to the ordinary competitive concession procedure and to the procedural rules laid down therein in those rules.
In the preparation of this order, the Legal Service and the Delegated Intervention in the Department have issued a report, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 17.1 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, and the Article 61.2 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December.
By virtue of this, I provide:
Article 1 Object and purpose of the aid. Non-economic activity
1. The purpose of this order is the establishment of the regulatory bases for the granting of aid, under a competitive competition regime, to R&D projects to identify the needs and solutions for the implementation of the Intelligent Tourism Platform and respond to the challenges of the tourist destinations identified in the context of the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations, as well as the call corresponding to 2021.
2. The purpose of the actions contemplated in this order is to generate new scientific knowledge, based on evidence, that suppose a significant advance of the current frontier of knowledge in the tourism field, through quality research oriented to the search for solutions to the main environmental, economic and technological challenges faced by tourist destinations in Spain, to improve their competitive capacity and long-term resilience.
3. Likewise, the necessary dissemination, transfer and applicability of the knowledge generated to the destinations for its knowledge and use by the public managers of the destination, especially at the local level, is also pursued.
4. For the purposes of this order, research and development must be a non-economic activity, and must comply with the requirements established by the European Commission in its Communication on the Framework on State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation (2014/C 198/01), which in paragraph 19, establishes that they have a non-economic nature:
- (a) the primary activities of research organisations and research infrastructures, in particular:
- – education to achieve more and better qualified personnel;
- – Independent R&D to improve knowledge and understanding when the research organisation or research infrastructure undertakes effective collaboration;
- – wide dissemination of research results in a non-discriminatory and non-exclusive manner, for example through education, open access databases, open publications or open software;
- (b) knowledge transfer activities, where carried out by or on behalf of the research organisation or research infrastructure (including its departments or subsidiaries) and where all profits generated by them are reinvested in primary activities of the research organisation or research infrastructure; the non-economic nature of those activities is not affected by the fact that they contract with third parties to provide the corresponding services by means of a public tender.
5. The financing of economic activity, understood as:
- a) The provision of R&D services and R&D carried out on behalf of companies.
- (b) The rental of research infrastructures.
- c) Any other activities of an economic nature that do not meet the conditions required and contemplated in the aforementioned Framework on State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation.
Article 2 Applicable legislation
1. The subsidies that are regulated in these regulatory bases will be governed, in addition to the provisions of the same, by the provisions of the Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, in the Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December, approving urgent measures for the modernization of the Public Administration and for the implementation of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, in the Regulation of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21, and by any applicable rules in force.
2. The Regulation (EU) n.or 2020/2094 of 14 December 2020, establishing a European Union Recovery Instrument to support recovery from the COVID crisis; the Regulation (EU) n.or 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021, establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September, which configures the management system of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Order HFP/1031/2021, of 29 September, which establishes the procedure and format of the information to be provided by the State, Autonomous and Local Public Sector Entities for the monitoring of compliance with milestones and objectives and budget and accounting execution of the measures of the components of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, as well as all European and national development regulations related to the Recovery Plan and the recovery and resilience mechanism
3. Aid granted under this Order to research and knowledge dissemination organisations, in so far as they finance non-economic activities, shall not be regarded as State aid, provided that it complies with Article 2.1.1 of the Framework on State aid for research and development and innovation (2014/C 198/01) and therefore does not apply to article 107(1) of the Treaty. of Functioning of the European Union.
Article 3 Fit into the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
1. The actions that are financed under this order of bases are included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (hereinafter, Recovery Plan) of the Government of Spain, specifically within component 14, called «Plan for modernization and competitiveness of the tourism sector», in investment 2, «Program of digitalization and intelligence for destinations and tourism sector», project 1.»Digital Transformation Plan of Tourist Destinations», contributing to the fulfillment of the objectives associated with it, since these R&D projects to be subsidized have as their main objective to contribute to the digitalization of tourist destinations, in accordance with the recovery and resilience mechanism and the Recovery Plan at European and national level. These actions seek to promote the generation of scientific knowledge that responds to the common challenges of tourist destinations.
2. In accordance with the Recovery Plan, with the Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of 12 February 2021, and its implementing rules, in particular with the Communication from the Commission Technical Guide on the application of the principle of ‘do no significant harm’ under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation, as well as as as required by the Council Implementing Decision on the approval of the evaluation of the Recovery Plan, all actions financed under these regulatory bases must respect the so-called ‘do not cause significant harm’ principle to the environment (DNSH principle). This includes compliance with the specific conditions set out in Component 14, Plan for the Modernization and Competitiveness of the Tourism Sector, provided for in paragraphs 3, 6 and 8 thereof.
CHAPTER IIRegulatory
Article 4 Concession regime
1. The granting of the aid regulated in this basic order shall be carried out under a competitive competition regime, in accordance with the principles of publicity, transparency, objectivity, equality and non-discrimination, as well as those of effectiveness in the fulfillment of the objectives set and of efficiency in the allocation and use of public resources, set out in Article 8.3, 22.1 and 23, of Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
2. The concession procedure, which shall be initiated ex officio by means of a public call, shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Law 38/2003, of 17 November, and its Regulation approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, with the characteristics established by these regulatory bases.
3. The call will be published in the National Database of Subsidies (hereinafter, BDNS), and an extract of it in the «Official State Gazette», in accordance with the procedure established in the Article 20.8 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, and its Regulation approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, with the characteristics established by these regulatory bases.
Article 5 Eligible actions
1. The aid regulated in this Order will finance the actions aimed at the production of scientific knowledge and R&D projects in relation to the following challenges of tourist destinations with the ultimate aim of proceeding to the digitalization of the same:
- a) Recovery and resilience of the destination: crisis management, scenario simulation, early response strategies, regulation, regulation, regulations, protocols, labor market and working conditions, tourism company and competitive capacity, etc.
- b) Sustainable, intelligent, connected and integrated mobility at the destination.
- (c) Climate change, adaptation and mitigation strategies and measures at the destination; carbon footprint, impact modelling, public and private strategies, etc.
- d) Sustainability, ecological transition and circular economy at the destination.
- e) Measurement, modelling and analysis of tourism activity in the destination: management of tourist flows, load capacity, massification, economic impacts, development of indicators, predictive analysis, etc.
- f) Product or process innovation in the destination: tourism innovation, new products and differential tourism experiences, new market segments, new business processes, etc.
- g) Digitalization: infrastructures and platforms, promotion and marketing, interaction with the tourist in the destination, tourism without «frictions», information management, tourism intelligence and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, digital twin, etc.
2. The areas of scientific and technological knowledge in which R&D projects may be framed to respond to the challenges of tourist destinations and to implement subsequent digitalization measures are, among others, the following:
- a) Economy of Tourism and competitiveness of tourist destinations.
- b) Management and conservation of cultural and natural heritage:
- 1st Economic and social impact of the sector on the cultural and natural heritage of the destination.
- 2nd New models of management of cultural and natural heritage.
- 3rd Sustainable management of cultural and natural heritage.
- c) Social research applied to tourism:
- 1st Analysis of the vulnerability of the target.
- 2nd Tourism and gender.
- 3rd Accessibility in the tourism sector.
- 4th Image of the sector in the citizenship.
- 5th Tourism and diversity management.
- d) Planning and management of destinations, related to the following areas:
- 1st Evolution of the managing entities.
- 2nd Legislation applied to the tourist management of the destination.
- 3rd The different management and planning models and the challenges they face (type of destination, size, etc.).
- 4th Tourism quality systems.
- 5th Innovation in destination management.
- 6th New challenges in planning and management after major health and natural disasters, etc.
- 7th Analysis of the resilience of the tourism sector and destinations and their responsiveness.
- e) Tourism, territory and environment:
- 1st The impact of the tourism sector on the environmental conservation of destinations.
- 2nd The Sustainable Development Goals and their application in the sector and in destinations.
- 3rd Circular economy strategies and their application in the tourism sector.
- f) Marketing and tourism communication.
- g) Adaptation to climate change.
- 1st Analysis of the vulnerability of destinations to climate change.
- 2nd Innovation in adaptation to climate change.
- h) Safety in the tourism sector:
- 1st Definition of what is safe destination, vulnerability analysis of the destination.
- 2nd Health security research.
- 3rd Cybersecurity Analysis in the tourism sector.
- 4th Research on the relationship between destination security and the tourism sector.
- i) Management and organization of tourism companies.
- j) Innovation in the tourism sector.
- k) Tourist accessibility.
- l) Information management and application of enabling technologies to the tourism field such as: GIS, smart solutions applied to tourism, IoT and advanced sensors, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, natural language technologies, image recognition, etc.), digital twin, semantic web, process automation, artificial vision, intelligent video, environmental technologies, connected and autonomous mobility, technologies at the service of the cybersecurity and blockchain, among others.
Article 6 Beneficiaries
1. Research and knowledge dissemination organisations which comply with the requirements of Articles 13.2 and 13.3 of the Law 38/2003, of 17 November, either individually or in groupings provided for in the Article 11 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies.
2. In addition, such bodies shall be validly constituted, have their own legal personality, be non-profit-making, and have tax residence or a permanent establishment in Spain.
3. For the purposes of this Order, the definition of a research and knowledge dissemination organisation shall be the definition provided by Annex I to the Order CNU/320/2019, of 13 March, which approves the regulatory bases for the granting of public aid within the framework of the State Program for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R&D&I System and within the framework of the State Program of R&D&I Oriented to the Challenges of Society, of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, intended for research and knowledge dissemination organizations.
4. Research and knowledge dissemination organizations are considered in the category of Universities and Research Centers, among others:
- (a) Public research bodies defined in the Article 47 of Law 14/2011, of 1 June, of Science, Technology and Innovation.
- b) Public universities, their university institutes or other own research entities, such as Research Groups or Chairs, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities, which are registered in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees, created by the Royal Decree 1509/2008, of 12 September, which regulates the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees.
- c) Other public R&D&I centres, with their own legal personality and non-profit- that in their statutes or in the regulations that regulate them or in their corporate purpose have R&D&I as their main activity.
- d) State-wide technology centres and state-wide technological innovation support centres validly registered at the time of submission of the application in the register of centres regulated by the Royal Decree 2093/2008, of 19 December, which regulates the Technological Centers and the Centers of Support to technological Innovation of state scope and creates the Registry of such Centers.
- e) Private universities with R&D capabilities.
- f) Private R&D centers, with their own legal personality and non-profit that have defined in their statutes or in the regulations that regulate them or in their corporate purpose to R & D as the main activity.
5. Projects may be submitted individually or in groups, involving more than one potential beneficiary. Funded projects will be executed by research teams led by one or two Principal Investigators (PIs), as specified in the submitted grant application.
6. IPs shall comply with the requirements set out in Annex I from the closing date of the deadline for submission of applications until the end of the project implementation period.
7. In accordance with the Article 11.2 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, the status of beneficiary may apply to associate members of the beneficiary who undertake to carry out all or part of the activities underlying the granting of the aid in the name and on behalf of the beneficiary, in the case of a legal person. Associate members are those who have a relationship or bond with the beneficiary of a non-contractual legal nature, which is included in their statutes, in a public deed or in a similar document of incorporation. In any event, the associated members must also meet the requirements applicable to beneficiaries in relation to their nature as a research and knowledge dissemination organisation and the performance of activities of a non-economic nature.
8. Where the entities participate in a project in a grouping, they shall be constituted in accordance with the Article 11.3 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, and article 67 of Royal Decree 36/2020, of 30 December. The composition and functioning of the grouping shall be governed by the following rules:
- (a) Before submitting the application, the members of the grouping shall enter into an internal agreement in the manner and with the requirements and content set out in the Article 67.2 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December. In accordance with Article 67.3 of the same rule, the grouping agreement may be conditional on being declared a beneficiary of the aid by a final grant decision.
- b) In the case of projects in cooperation, all the members of the grouping shall have the status of beneficiaries of the aid and shall be jointly and severally liable, in proportion to their respective participations, in relation to all the activities to be carried out by the group, including the obligation to justify, the duty to reimburse or to repay loan instalments; and responsibilities for infringements, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 40.2 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, as well as the Article 67.4 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December.
- c) The agreement shall indicate the budget corresponding to the activities assumed by each member of the group, and the amount of the subsidy to be applied in each case. Each of the members, as beneficiaries, may receive the maximum amount established in Article 7, so that this maximum amount will be computed at the level of each of the beneficiaries defined in Article 3.1 that is part of the grouping. In the case of granting aid, the payment of the amount corresponding to each member will be made directly to the latter.
- (d) In accordance with the Article 11 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, the grouping shall appoint a single representative or proxy, with sufficient powers to fulfil the obligations which, as beneficiary, correspond to it, and in particular the following:
- 1st Submit the application for the aid that must differentiate the implementation commitments of each member of the group, the amount of the subsidy to be applied to each of them, as well as the actions and the budget corresponding to each one.
- 2nd Act as the sole interlocutor between the group and the granting body.
- 3rd To obtain from each member all the information required or required by the granting body, and in particular that relating to the justification of the subsidy.
Article 7 Requirements of beneficiaries
Beneficiary entities must comply with the following requirements:
- a) The status of beneficiary of the aid implies that it assumes, vis-à-vis the convening entity, all the rights and obligations inherent in that condition, derived from the Law 38/2003, of 17 November, and its Development regulation, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July.
- b) The actions carried out by the beneficiaries will have to comply with the stipulations of these regulatory bases.
- c) Entities in which any of the circumstances related to the aid concurs may not be beneficiaries of the aid. Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
- d) Entities that have debts for reimbursement of aid or loans with the Administration, or are subject to a recovery order pending after a previous decision of the European Commission that has declared an illegal aid and incompatible with the common market, may not be beneficiaries of the aid.
Article 8 Obligations of beneficiary entities
1. Beneficiaries shall comply with the obligations set out in the Article 14 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, as well as those established in the calls and in the concession resolutions.
2. Where aid is granted to beneficiaries, acceptance of the aid shall involve:
- a) The waiver of the industrial or intellectual property rights that correspond to it.
- b) The obligation to publish a digital version of the scientific publications resulting from the actions financed under this order in open access, without prejudice to the agreements of transfer to third parties of the rights over the publications, following the provisions of the Article 37 of Law 14/2011, of 1 June.
- c) Research and knowledge dissemination organizations must comply with the definition and conditions specified in Article 6, and must prove this by submitting a responsible declaration at the time of submitting the application.
3. In addition, beneficiaries must:
- a) Publicize the aid in accordance with the provisions of Articles 10 and 11 of this order.
- b) Provide evidence of the use given to the funds received that allow establishing an undoubted relationship between the imputed expenses and the objectives achieved, in particular the reality of the hours imputed by the workers to the tasks carried out and the execution of the action, a reality that can be credited before an external audit.
- c) Maintain an accounting system that allows the differentiated recording of all transactions related to the project, through the use of a specific accounting code dedicated to this purpose or the application of the procedures that the calls determine. Where the beneficiary also carries out economic activities, the respective financing, costs and revenue shall be entered separately.
- d) Provide the activities subject to the subsidy from work centers located in Spain.
- e) Create in Spain all the employment necessary for the provision of the activity object of the subsidy, which will be carried out with personnel hired and affiliated to the Social Security in the national territory. Compliance with this requirement will be subject to checks by the managing body of the aid based on the analysis of a supporting document provided by the applicant and includes data on the number of employees, among other issues.
- f) Contribute to the objective of strategic and digital autonomy of the European Union, as well as ensure the security of the supply chain taking into account the international context and the availability of any sensitive technological component or subsystem that may be part of the solution, through the acquisition of equipment, components, system integrations and associated software from suppliers located in the European Union.
4. Beneficiary institutions shall also comply with European and national obligations relating to the financing of the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility. To this end, they shall comply with the following:
- i. In the design and execution of the subsidised actions, the beneficiary entities shall ensure compliance with the principle of ‘not causing significant harm’, as provided for in the Recovery Plan, in the Regulation (EU) n.or 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021, governing the Recovery and Resilience Facility and its implementing rules, in particular the Communication from the Commission Technical Guide on the application of the ‘do no significant harm’ principle under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation as required by the Council Implementing Decision, of 13 July 2021.
- ii. They shall be subject to the supervisory actions of the Union institutions, pursuant to the Article 22(2)(e) of Regulation (EU) n.or 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February.
- iii. Collect, for the purposes of auditing and controlling the use of funds and in electronic format, the harmonised categories of data referred to in the Article 22.2(d) of Regulation (EU) n.or 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February. Such data will be incorporated into a single database.
- iv. They will be responsible for the reliability and monitoring of the execution of the subsidized actions, so that the level of achievement of each action can be known at all times.
- v. They must establish mechanisms to ensure that the actions to be carried out by third parties contribute to the achievement of the planned actions and that said third parties provide the information that, where appropriate, is necessary to determine the value of the relevant indicators, milestones and objectives of the Recovery Plan.
- vi. Assume the maintenance of an adequate audit trail of the actions carried out within the framework of this subsidy and the obligation to maintain the supporting documentation. The provision of the information will be carried out in the terms established by the Ministry of Finance and Public Function in accordance with national and European Union regulations.
- vii. Keep the documents in electronic format for a period of five years from the operation (3 years if the financing does not exceed 60,000 euros), in accordance with the Article 132 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No.or 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018, on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending the Regulations (EU) n.or 1296/2013, (EU) n.or 1301/2013, (EU) n.or 1303/2013, (EU) n.or 1304/2013, (EU) n.or 1309/2013, (EU) n.or 1316/2013, (EU) n.or 223/2014 y (EU) n.or 283/2014 and Decision n.or 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) n.or 966/2012.
- viii. They have an obligation to ensure the regularity of the underlying expenditure and the adoption of measures aimed at preventing, detecting, reporting and correcting fraud and corruption, preventing conflict of interest and double funding.
Article 9 Collaborating entity
1. For the management of the subsidies, the State Company for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies, SA (SEGITTUR) is designated as a collaborating entity, which must comply with the requirements and obligations and perform the functions established in the articles 13 and 15 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
2. SEGITTUR will intervene in the work of study and technical evaluation of the projects submitted with the applications, and in the reception and study of the documentation sent, the justification of the expenses and the execution of the actions or projects object of financing, without the prior delivery and distribution of funds, and in accordance with the provisions of the agreement signed with it.
That agreement shall establish measures for the prevention of fraud and situations of conflicts of interest both at the stage of evaluation and review of justifications.
3. No specific and additional conditions of efficiency and solvency referred to in the Article 17.3.c) of Law 38/2003, of 17 November. The necessary fulfilment of the conditions of article 13 of that law is a sufficient condition of solvency and economic and financial efficiency.
Article 10 Advertising
1. Beneficiaries of the aid shall comply with the following obligations with regard to publicity and information:
- a) Those relating to the financing of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, as established in the Article 9 of Order HFP/1030/2021 of 29 September. In particular, in the information and communication measures of the actions carried out by the investments (information posters, plaques, printed and electronic publications, audiovisual material, web pages, advertisements and press insertions, certificates, etc.), the following logos must be included:
- to. The emblem of the European Union.
- b. Along with the Union emblem, the text ‘Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU’ shall be included.Account shall be taken of the graphic standards and standardised colours set out in Annex II to Implementing Regulation No.or 821/2014 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Regulation (EU) n.or 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the specific modalities for the transfer and management of programme contributions, the presentation of information on financial instruments, the technical characteristics of the measures for reporting and reporting operations, and the system for recording and storing data. You can also consult the following website: http://publications.europa.eu/code/es/es-5000100.htm and download different examples of the emblem in: https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/symbols/flag_es#download.
- c. Any reference in any media about the approved investments must use as a means of dissemination the logo of the Recovery Plan, available at the link http://planderecuperacion.gob.es/identidad-visual
- b) Those established in Article 18 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November. In this sense, any reference in any media about the approved investments must include that they have been financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
- c) In case of co-financing by another administration, this circumstance must be reflected in the publicity of the project.
- d) The dissemination and publicity of the activities carried out in the project, as well as the results obtained. The actions to be carried out will be at least the realization of a project website, a public presentation act, the presence of the project on the websites of the institutions involved and the documentation related to the previous ones. A budget of at least 5 per cent of the total direct costs authorised for this item of expenditure shall be dedicated.
2. Failure to comply with this obligation shall be considered a minor breach in accordance with the Article 56.c) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, and shall be punished with a fixed fine in the terms provided for in article 59 of the same law. Likewise, it may be a cause for reimbursement in accordance with the provisions of the Article 37.1.d) of Law 38/2003, of 17 Novemberand Article 93 of its Implementing Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July.
3. All information posters and plaques shall be placed in a clearly visible place accessible to the public.
Article 11 Publicity of funded research results
1. The research results of the funded actions, including both the results disseminated through scientific publications and the data generated in the research, shall be available in open access when established by the call, with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 4.
2. Publications will be deposited in institutional or thematic repositories of open access within a period that will be determined in the calls depending on the research area, which will be between six and twelve months after their publication in academic journals.
3. The calls may provide that the data generated are deposited in an open research data repository, following a data management plan that will be part of the documentation of the application and that may be modified during the period of execution of the action after information and approval of the granting body.
4. Exceptions to the mandatory regime of open publication and open access to research data in the event that the call so provides, shall occur in the following cases:
- a) When it is foreseen that the data generated in the research and the results of the research carried out may be submitted to the request of the protection of industrial or intellectual property rights. In these cases, the ownership of the aforementioned industrial and intellectual property rights will be determined in accordance with the specific regulations that apply to them.
- b) When by their nature the data are subject to the protection of personal data or when they affect public security.
5. The aid application shall indicate whether or not the results should be disseminated in open form in accordance with the abovementioned derogations.
Article 12 Eligible expenditure
1. Applications for the aid provided for in this order may include as eligible expenditure the following items of expenditure:
- a) Direct costs of implementation, including but not limited to the following:
- 1st Personnel cost. Personnel expenses, which must be dedicated exclusively to the action if so provided for in the call. In the case of public sector organizations and entities, personnel may be hired under any type of contracting in accordance with current legislation and with the rules to which the beneficiary is subject, adjusting to the limits that may be established at any time in the corresponding laws of General State Budgets and other regulations that regulate personnel at the service of the public sector, without implying any commitment regarding its subsequent incorporation into said body or entity. Salary supplements may be contemplated, with the limits and in the manner established by the calls, for the research or technical staff linked to the entity or the center. In the case of public sector bodies and entities, the remuneration regulations applicable to them must be respected. When the calls so establish, the compensation of research personnel not linked to the beneficiary entities may be financed when participating in the execution of the actions subject to the grant, provided that this does not contravene the remuneration regime of said personnel. In the case of public sector bodies and entities whose budgets are consolidated with the General Budgets of the State or with those of the Autonomous Communities, the expenses of own personnel, financed with said budgets, will not be eligible for aid. In any case, personnel costs must include proof of the contracts made and the exclusive dedication to the execution of the project. To do this, the preparation of timesheets signed by the employees themselves will be required in order to avoid double financing, unless European regulations provide for other forms of accreditation for grants financed with European funds.
- 2nd Mobility costs: Travel expenses, locomotion, subsistence, accommodation and maintenance, insurance or visas, for the categories or types of personnel determined by the calls, being necessary to justify the need for the expense for each project and specific action.
- 3rd Costs of acquisition, rental, leasing, maintenance, repair and amortization of tangible assets, such as instruments, scientific-technical and computer equipment and other elements necessary for the action. The cost of amortization of inventoriable goods shall be subject to the rules laid down in the Article 31.6 of Law 38/2003. The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Article 31 of Law 38/2003. The period during which the beneficiary must allocate the acquired goods to the specific purpose of the aid will be equal to the term of execution of the financed action, or five years for the goods registrable in the public registry and two years for goods not registrable in said registry, applying the corresponding period that is longer. The effective use of the assets dedicated to the specific project must be accredited.
- 4th Costs of acquisition of consumable material, supplies and similar products and the effective use of the assets dedicated to the specific project must be accredited.
- 5th Acquisition and/or amortization costs of intangible assets, including technical computer programs.
- 6th Costs of contractual research, knowledge and patents acquired or obtained by license from external sources, provided that the operation has been carried out under conditions of full competition.
- 7th Innovation support and advisory costs such as management consulting, technology assistance, technology transfer services, data banks, use and management of data repositories and technical libraries, consultancy on the use of standards, manuals, working documents and model documents, market research, labelling, quality, testing and certification services.
- 8th Other costs derived from advice, conducting studies, dissemination and advertising.
- 9th Costs of publication and dissemination of results, including those that may arise from publication in open access scientific journals.
- 10th Costs derived from the training of the personnel associated with the action, including the costs inherent in the preparation of the training actions and the teaching or training material.
- 11th Costs of renting rooms, translation, organizing conferences, events, congresses and seminars.
- 12th Quotas to national and international scientific societies that derive directly from the action.
- 13th Registration costs in congresses, seminars, conferences, technical conferences and the like, for the categories or types of personnel determined by the calls.
- 14th Costs of using the agency’s central services as long as they have public tariffs calculated according to their cost accounting.
- 15th Costs of use and access to singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) and large national and international scientific facilities.
- 16th Costs covered by the first subparagraph of the Article 31.7 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies.
- 17th The expense derived from the report made by an auditor, when its contribution is required. In those cases in which the beneficiary is obliged to audit his annual accounts by an auditor subject to Law 22/201, of July 20, on Audit of Accounts, the review of the supporting account will be carried out by the same auditor, or by another, provided that it is registered in the Official Register of Auditors of Accounts.
- 18th Other costs not contemplated in the previous sections that undoubtedly respond to the nature of the subsidized activity, are strictly necessary and are carried out within the period of execution of the activity, provided that they are reflected in the calls.
2. The following expenditure shall not be eligible:
- a) The current operating costs of the beneficiaries.
- b) Any expenditure that is not directly related to the project and is incurred in the period of execution granted.
- c) Taxes, fees, or licenses.
3. Projects which do not fully respect the European Union’s climate and environmental rules and priorities and the principle of ‘not causing significant harm’ within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020, on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investments and amending the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.
4. In accordance with the provisions of the Article 7 of Law 22/2021, of 28 December, on the General State Budget for 2022, and in the Article 37 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December, the financing corresponding to this aid will be linked to the fulfillment of the objectives foreseen in the Recovery Plan, as well as to the cost estimation linked to it.
Article 13 Budget and aid intensity
1. Aid intensity means the gross aid intensity expressed as a percentage of the eligible costs of the project.
2. Grants shall be awarded to the knowledge centre, with a maximum intensity of 100% of the bankable budget, with a minimum of 20,000 euros and a maximum of 150,000 euros, provided that the projects are in the field of R&D (technological readiness level of the project – TRL, technological readiness level – 1-6, that is, projects that are between basic research 1 and technological development/demonstration and the destination of these does not directly imply an economic activity.
3. The calls of the line regulated by this Order will be financed from the budgetary application 20.50.460A.780 of the General State Budgets, in accordance with the budgetary availabilities.
4. The granting of aid shall be conditional on the existence of adequate and sufficient credit at the time of the decision to grant it.
Article 14 Compatibility with other aid
1. In accordance with the Article 9 of Regulation (EU) Noor 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021, aid granted under this order may receive support from other Union programmes and instruments provided that such aid does not cover the same cost.
2. Aid granted under this Order shall be compatible with obtaining any other type of aid or subsidy other than that referred to in paragraph 1 that could be obtained for the same purpose, provided that this does not result in overfinancing.
3. The applicant shall declare the aid which he has obtained or applied for the actions covered by this order, both when submitting the application and at any subsequent time when this circumstance occurs, which may lead to corresponding reductions in the amount of aid granted, or may even lead to the revocation of the aid granted.
4. The amount of the subsidies may in no case be of such an amount that, alone or in conjunction with other subsidies, aids, income or resources, exceeds the cost of the subsidized activity.
Article 15 Subcontracting
1. The actions covered by the aid may be subcontracted in compliance with the requirements and prohibitions laid down in the Article 29 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, and in Rule 68 of its Rules of Procedure, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006 of 22 july.
2. Where subcontracting is envisaged, the application shall be accompanied by a report justifying the need for subcontracting in order to achieve the objectives of the aided action.
3. Depending on the nature of the activity financed, subcontracting may reach up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the eligible budget. Calls may restrict the maximum percentage of subcontracting.
4. A contract may not be divided in order to reduce the amount of the contract and avoid compliance with the requirements of the previous paragraph.
5. Contractors shall be bound only to the beneficiary, who shall assume full responsibility for the execution of the subsidised activity vis-à-vis the Administration.
6. For the purposes of the provisions of the previous paragraph, the beneficiaries shall be responsible for ensuring that in the execution of the subsidized activity agreed with third parties, the limits established in the regulations governing the subsidy in terms of the nature and amount of eligible expenses are respected, and the contractors shall be subject to the duty of collaboration to allow the adequate verification of compliance with these limits.
7. In no case may the beneficiary subcontract the total or partial implementation of the activities subsidized with:
- a) Persons or entities incurring in any of the prohibitions of the Article 13 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
- b) Persons or entities that have received other subsidies for the performance of the activity object of contracting.
- c) Intermediaries or advisers where payments are defined as a percentage of the total cost of the transaction, unless such payment is justified by reference to the market value of the work performed or services rendered.
- d) Persons or entities related to the beneficiary, unless the following circumstances are present:
- 1) That the prior express authorization of the granting body is obtained.
- 2) The eligible amount does not exceed the cost incurred by the related entity.
The accreditation of the cost will be made in the justification in the same terms established for the accreditation of the expenses of the beneficiary.
- e) Persons or entities applying for aid or subsidy in the same call and program, who have not obtained a subsidy because they do not meet the requirements or do not reach the sufficient valuation.
8. Where the aid recipient subcontracts part or all of the activity covered by this subsidy, it shall provide for mechanisms to ensure that subcontractors comply with the principle of ‘not causing significant harm to the environment’ and with measures to prevent, detect, report and correct fraud and corruption, prevent conflict of interest and double funding.
9. In the case of subcontracting part or all of the activity, it shall be ensured that the conditions applicable to the beneficiaries in relation to their nature as a research and knowledge dissemination organisation and the performance of activities of a non-economic nature are also met.
Article 16 Bodies competent to instruct and resolve the concession and follow-up procedure
1. The holder of the Secretary of State for Tourism will be competent to resolve the granting of the aid regulated in this order, without prejudice to the delegations in force on the matter.
2. The competent body for the instruction and organization of the procedure will be the Subdirectorate General of Cooperation and Tourism Competitiveness, dependent on the Secretary of State for Tourism. That same body will be responsible for monitoring the actions financed.
3. In general and in accordance with the rules laid down for the prevention of fraud, all persons involved in the procedure for the selection of beneficiaries and verification of compliance with the conditions shall strengthen their involvement in this objective by means of a declaration of absence of conflict of interest, undertaking to keep it up to date in the event that the situation changes with respect to the original declaration, reason that will prevent them from participating in the procedure. For these purposes, and in the event that the call is financed under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the model provided for in Annex IV.A of the Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September, which configures the management system of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The investigating body shall verify that no person affected by a conflict of interest continues to participate in the proceedings and, where appropriate, shall inform the competent authorities of the breaches observed.
Article 17 Electronic processing
1. In accordance with the provisions of the Article 14.2 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, electronic processing shall be mandatory at all stages of the procedure. Applications, communications and other required documentation related to the projects that concur to this financial support, will be presented in the electronic registry of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (https://sede.serviciosmin.gob.es/registroelectronico).
2. The applicant may access, with the certificate with which he submitted the application, the electronic office of the ministry (https://sede.serviciosmin.gob.es), where he can consult the documents submitted and the status of processing of the file.
3. La práctica de notificaciones electrónicas se ajustará a lo previsto en el artículo 43 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre.
4. Adicionalmente, se pondrá a disposición del interesado un sistema complementario de alertas por medio de correo electrónico. En la sede del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo los interesados, tras identificarse electrónicamente de forma segura, podrán consultar los actos del procedimiento que les sean notificados y efectuar la presentación de la documentación adicional que pudiera ser requerida por el órgano actuante.
5. La publicación de las propuestas de resolución provisional y definitiva, así como de las resoluciones de desestimación, de concesión y sus posibles modificaciones y demás actos del procedimiento, tendrán lugar en la sede electrónica del Ministerio (https://sede.serviciosmin.gob.es), y surtirá todos los efectos de la notificación practicada según lo dispuesto en el artículo 45 de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, en relación con los procedimientos de concurrencia competitiva.
6. En aquellos casos en los que tuviera lugar un procedimiento de reintegro, las notificaciones relacionadas con dicho procedimiento se realizarán bajo la modalidad de notificación por comparecencia electrónica, según lo establecido en el artículo 43 de la Ley 39/2015 de 1 de octubre.
7. Los formularios, las declaraciones responsables y los demás documentos electrónicos a cumplimentar en las diferentes fases del procedimiento, estarán disponibles en la sede electrónica y deberán ser obligatoriamente utilizados cuando proceda.
8. En aquellas fases del procedimiento en las que en aras de la simplificación administrativa se permita la presentación de declaraciones responsables en lugar de determinada documentación, dichas declaraciones deberán presentarse en formato electrónico firmado electrónicamente por el declarante.
9. Los solicitantes no estarán obligados a presentar los documentos que ya obren en poder del órgano competente para la concesión, de conformidad con lo previsto por el artículo 23.3 de la Ley 38/2003, de 27 de noviembre, debiéndose cumplimentar específicamente en el cuestionario de solicitud en qué momento y ante qué órgano administrativo presentó los citados documentos, para lo cual indicará el número del expediente que le fue comunicado entonces, siempre que no hayan transcurrido más de cinco años desde la finalización del procedimiento al que correspondan.
En cumplimiento del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, express consent shall be requested for the processing by the Ministry of the data included in the questionnaire by the beneficiary. In cases of material impossibility of obtaining the document or when the interested party expresses the refusal to consult their personal data, the competent body will require the applicant to present it, or, failing that, accreditation by others.
Article 18 Representation
1. The natural persons who make the signature or electronic presentation of documents on behalf of the applicant or beneficiary entities, must hold the necessary representation for each action, in the terms established in the Article 5 of the aforementioned Law 39/2015, of 1 October, and with local regime legislation.
2. The signatory of the application must prove that at the time of submission of the application he has sufficient power in law to act on behalf of the requesting legal person. Failure to comply with this obligation, if not remedied, will result in you being considered withdrawn from the request, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 68 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October.
Article 19 Formalization and submission of applications
1. Applications for aid shall be addressed to the Subdirectorate-General for Tourism Cooperation and Competitiveness, of the Secretary of State for Tourism, the body competent to order and instruct the procedure, whose application forms shall be available for completion and presentation on the aid portal of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (https:// www.mincotur.gob.es/PortalAyudas ), where the necessary electronic means of assistance shall be made available.
2. A single application shall be submitted per project. If several entities participate in the project, the one acting as a representative will be the one who submits the application.
3. The deadline for the submission of applications shall be one month from the publication of the extract of the call in the ‘Official State Gazette’.
Article. 20. Content and documentation of the application.
1. The request will be made by providing the following documentation:
- a) Application form for funding. File signed electronically and necessarily completed with the electronic means available in the aid portal of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (https://www.mincotur.gob.es/PortalAyudas), and valid accreditation of the power of attorney of the signatory of the application by any means valid in law that leaves a reliable record of its existence that will include a declaration of other aid concurrent with the investment presented. as well as the aid requested, within the aid intensity intervals detailed in Article 10.
- b) Project report (model annex II).
- c) Research team (model annex III).
- d) Economic report (model annex IV).
- e) Standardized curriculum vitae of the research team (model annex V).In the case of groups, the members shall provide at the time of application a grouping agreement, as provided for in Article 6 of this Order, which includes at least: the obligations of the parties, including the distribution of eligible activities with their corresponding economic breakdown for each member, and a commitment of joint and several liability, in proportion to their respective shares, between the partners in case of withdrawal. The document may be sent without the signature of the parties and in the case of a decision to grant the aid, it will be mandatory to present the document signed by the members.
- f) Details of the single bank account of the beneficiary of the aid.
- g) A written undertaking to grant the rights and access necessary to ensure that the Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office (‘OLAF’), the European Court of Auditors, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the competent national authorities exercise their powers.
- h) Acceptance of the transfer of data between the Public Administrations involved to comply with the provisions of the European regulations that are applicable and in accordance with the Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, in accordance with the model set out in Annex IV.B to the Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September.
- i) The following responsible statements:
- 1st Responsible declaration (model annex VI).2nd Responsible declaration in which the applicant states the aid they have requested or received from other Administrations or entities for the same purpose and object and their amount, as well as committing to inform of those that may be requested or obtained during the processing of these subsidies.
- 3rd Declaration responsible for not having debts for reimbursement of aid, loans or advances with the Administration, nor being subject to a recovery order pending after a previous decision of the European Commission that has declared an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.
- 4th Declaration responsible for not being subject to any of the prohibitions referred to in the Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, in compliance with the provisions of Articles 26 and 27 of the Subsidies Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006 of 21 July.
- 5th Declaration responsible for not causing significant harm to the six environmental objectives, in accordance with the Article 17 of Regulation (EU) Noor 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020, on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investments and amending the Regulation (EU) n.or 2019/2088.
- 6th Responsible declaration regarding the commitment to comply with the transversal principles established in the Recovery Plan and that could affect the area under management, in accordance with the model established in Annex IV.C of the Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September.
- 7th Other responsible declarations determined in the call or to which the due regulatory publicity has been given prior to the end of the deadline for submitting applications, whose models could be approved by the competent authorities in accordance with national and European regulations, complying with the obligations required within the framework of the Recovery Plan.
2. The submission of the application shall entail the authorization of the applicant so that the granting body obtains directly the accreditation of the circumstance of being up to date with the tax obligations and with the Social Security, through telematic certificates, in which case the applicant must not provide the corresponding certifications.
However, the applicant may expressly deny consent, and must then provide the corresponding certifications.
3. Interested parties shall submit the application for financing and the rest of the documentation in the electronic register of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, with the electronic signature of the person who has sufficient power of representation. By means of the electronic signature of the application, the fidelity with the original of the digitized copies of the documents provided with said application will be guaranteed.
4. If the documentation provided does not meet the required requirements, the interested party will be required to, within ten working days from the day following the receipt of the request, correct the lack or accompany the mandatory documents, with warning that, if he does not do so, he will be considered withdrawn from his request after resolution, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 68 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October and in the Article 23.5 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
Article 21 Instruction of the procedure and Evaluation Commission
1. The investigating body shall carry out ex officio all the actions it deems necessary for the determination, knowledge and verification of the data on the basis of which the motion for a resolution must be formulated.
2. The Evaluation Committee shall be composed of:
- a) The head of the Subdirectorate General for Tourism Cooperation and Competitiveness, who will preside over it. In case of absence, the Presidency will correspond to the member of the Subdirectorate General referred to in paragraph d).
- b) A member appointed by the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
- c) A member of the General Subdirectorate of Tourism Development and Sustainability of the Secretary of State for Tourism.
- d) A member of the Subdirectorate General for Tourism Cooperation and Competitiveness of the Secretary of State for Tourism.
- e) A member of SEGITTUR appointed by the Secretary of State for Tourism.
- f) An official of the General Secretariat of the Tourism Institute of Spain (TURESPAÑA) will act as secretary, with voice, but without vote.
The Evaluation Committee may request the assistance of third-party experts who may act with voice and without vote to advise it, if deemed necessary.
3. The functioning of the Evaluation Committee shall be in accordance with the regime laid down for collegiate bodies in Chapter II of the preliminary title of the Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.
4. The members of the Evaluation Board shall not receive any remuneration for the performance of their duties on the Evaluation Board.
5. In accordance with the rules laid down for the prevention of fraud, the members of the Evaluation Committee shall strengthen their involvement in this objective by means of a declaration of absence of conflict of interest, committing themselves to keep it updated in the event that the situation changes with respect to the original declaration, becoming a member. For these purposes, in the case of the call to be financed under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the model provided for in Annex IV.A of the Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September.
6. Once the applications have been evaluated, the collegiate body shall issue a report specifying the result of the evaluation carried out.
7. The investigating body shall, in the light of the file and the report of the evaluation committee, draw up the proposal for an interim resolution which shall contain a list of applicants for whom the aid is proposed and the amount thereof, as well as another list of excluded applicants specifying the reason for such exclusion.
8. The proposal for a provisional resolution shall be notified to the interested parties so that within ten working days they may make the arguments they deem appropriate.
9. Once the allegations put forward, where appropriate, by the interested parties have been examined, the investigating body shall formulate the proposal for the granting of the subsidy, which shall be notified to the interested parties who have been proposed as beneficiaries so that, within ten working days, they may communicate their acceptance or renunciation of the proposed financing. This proposal must express the list of applicants for whom the grant is proposed, and its amount, specifying its evaluation. The investigating body shall submit it as a proposal for a final resolution to the granting body, in accordance with the provisions of articles 22.1 and 24.4 of the Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
10. Motions for provisional and final resolutions do not create any rights in favour of the proposed beneficiaries.
Article 22 Evaluation criteria
For the selection of projects, the following criteria will be applied:
- 1. Scientific-technical quality (maximum, 50 points).
- a) Approach and feasibility of the proposal (maximum, 30 points):
- 1st Clarity and relevance of the objectives set (maximum, 5 points).
- 2nd Scientific-technical contribution of the project in relation to the current context, validity of the approach, and methodology proposed (maximum, 10 points).
- 3rd Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, adequacy of tasks and estimated budget (maximum, 10 points).
- 4th Gender perspective (maximum, 5 points).
- b) Quality and research solvency, complementarity and diversity of the human team involved in the project (maximum, 20 points).
- 1st Previous experience of the Principal Investigator in the field of tourism and research projects, at the rate of one point for each year of experience (maximum 10 points).
- 2nd Previous experience of the Research Group in the field of tourism, at the rate of one point for each year of experience of the average number of researchers in the Group (maximum 5 points).
- 3rd Complementarity and diversity (maximum 5 points).
Applications that in the scientific-technical report do not reach a score higher than 25 points will be considered as non-bankable.
For each modality, a priority of the applications considered eligible according to the score obtained will be established.
- a) Approach and feasibility of the proposal (maximum, 30 points):
- 2. Alignment with the challenges of the destinations and tourist interest (maximum, 50 points).
- a) Adaptation to the priorities and challenges of tourist destinations (maximum, 25 points):
- 1st Clear and precise identification in the application report of the adequacy of the proposal to the challenges of tourist destinations and the objectives of Component 14 of the PRTR (maximum, 5 points). Applications that obtain in this criterion a score equal to or less than 3 will be considered non-bankable.
- 2nd Clear and precise identification in the request report of the relevance of the needs and shortcomings of the tourist destinations it intends to address, the question posed, and the way in which the proposal intends to answer it, valuing its originality (maximum, 10 points).
- 3rd Clear and precise identification in the application report of the tourism challenge in Spain that is addressed in the proposal from an innovative perspective (maximum, 10 points), among the following:
- i. Contribution to the redistribution of tourist flows in urban spaces, between different territories and throughout the year.
- ii. Improvement of knowledge of the tourist reality and its impacts, positive and negative, on the territories and their population.
- iii. Strengthening the competitive capacity of companies, especially SMEs, and tourist destinations.
- iv. Fight against depopulation through the valorization of unique tourist destinations and experiences.
- b) Potential contribution of expected results and impact projection (maximum, 25 points):
- 1st Clear and precise identification in the request report of the results and / or specific deliverables expected from the execution of the project, such as tools, models, indicators, methodologies, methods, databases, protocols, strategies, recommendations, evidences, algorithms, intelligent systems, software, among others (maximum, 5 points).
- 2nd Clear and precise identification in the request report of the perspectives and modes of application or use of the results generated, in addition to the dissemination and transfer of knowledge to society in general, through open access to the results, and to the managers of tourist destinations in particular, through publications and informative materials, participation in conferences, training sessions mainly within the Network of Smart Tourist Destinations, on web pages, among others (maximum, 10 points).
- 3rd Clear and precise identification in the application report of the potential impact of taking advantage of the expected results, if the planned mechanisms are followed (to which the previous point refers), for society in general, through the generation of employment and added value, and specifically for destination managers, tourism companies and the Spanish tourism system (maximum, 10 points).
- a) Adaptation to the priorities and challenges of tourist destinations (maximum, 25 points):
To obtain the total score, the scores of the aforementioned criteria will be added, so that the maximum possible score will be 100 points.
In any case, it must be taken into account that when the application is submitted with two Principal Investigators (PI), both will have the same consideration for all purposes, including the assessment of the merits that accredit the scientific-technical capacity to lead the project in the evaluation process, although only one will be the interlocutor for communications purposes. Therefore, any mention of the IP in this order will be understood to refer, in applications submitted with two IPs, to both.
The IPs and the people who make up the research team will be primarily responsible for the objectives and tasks of the project.
Article 23 Decision to grant
1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Article 10 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, the competent body to resolve the procedure will be the head of the Secretary of State for Tourism, without prejudice to the delegations in force in the matter. Within a period of fifteen working days from the date of submission of the proposal for a final resolution, in accordance with the Article 63 of the Regulation of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, and with the Article 88 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, will issue the final decision to award the subsidies, thus resolving the procedure.
2. Since the selection of projects is subject to a competitive competition regime, the evaluation of applications shall lead to the establishment of priority between them, in accordance with the evaluation criteria described in Article 22. Those that have obtained the highest score will be selected until the limit of the credit available in the call is exhausted. In case of renunciation prior to the final resolution, other projects may be selected based on the score obtained.
3. The decision to grant, in addition to containing the applicants to whom the aid is granted and the express rejection of the remaining applications, may include an orderly list of all applications that, in compliance with the administrative and technical conditions established in the regulatory bases to acquire the status of beneficiary, have not been estimated because the maximum amount of the credit fixed in the call is exceeded, with indication of the score awarded to each of them according to the evaluation criteria provided in it.
4. Proposals for provisional and final resolutions and the resolution of the procedure for granting aid shall be published on the aid portal of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism. Additionally, each beneficiary will receive notice of such publications by email, according to the data contained in the application form. These proposals do not create any right in favor of the proposed beneficiary, vis-à-vis the Administration, until the concession resolution has been notified.
5. The award decision shall be sent to the National Grants Database for publication on that portal, in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Grants Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, and the Royal Decree 130/2019, of 8 March, which regulates the National Database of Subsidies and the advertising of subsidies and other public aid.
6. The maximum period for deciding and notifying the resolution of the procedure shall be six months from the date of publication of the extract of the call.
7. Once the maximum period established has elapsed without an express resolution having been issued and published, the request may be considered rejected, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 25.5 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
Article 24 Payment and justification of aid
1. The payment of the subsidy shall be made in advance, limited by budgetary annuities, by 100 per cent of the aid granted unless the call, for well-founded reasons, does not provide for these limitations by budgetary annuities and shall be processed ex officio by the investigating body, after notification of the granting of the grant. Such payment shall be made without the need for the provision of guarantees.
In accordance with the Article 61.3 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December, the beneficiaries must prove that they are up to date with the payment of the repayment obligations of any other loans or advances previously granted from the credits specifically entered for the management of European funds in the General State Budgets. It is the responsibility of the investigating body to verify compliance with these conditions prior to payment, requiring for this purpose, when it cannot be proven otherwise, a certification from the beneficiary local entity.
2. By virtue of the provisions of the Article 22(2)(e) of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of 12 February 2021, and Article 129 of the Financial Regulation (Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018) the collection of recovery and resilience plan funds shall be conditional on a written commitment to grant the rights and access necessary to ensure that the Commission, OLAF, the European Court of Auditors, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the competent national authorities exercise their supervisory powers.
3. Once the established period has elapsed without having presented the supporting documentation to the competent body, it will require the beneficiary so that within the non-extendable period of fifteen working days it is presented, with a warning that the lack of presentation will give rise to the demand for reimbursement and other responsibilities established in the Law 38/2003, of 17 November.
4. The justification shall also comply with the requirements of European Union and national rules on the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
5. The documentary justification of the realization of the financed actions will be carried out according to the modality of supporting account with the contribution of an auditor’s report, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 74 of Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, approving the Rules of Procedure of the Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, with the specialities provided for in the Article 63 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December.
6. All documentation justifying the performance of the investment activities must be submitted electronically and with an electronic signature, in accordance with the provisions of the Order EHA/2261/2007, of 17 July, which regulates the use of electronic, computer and telematic means in the justification of subsidies.
The electronic presentation of the supporting documentation will be understood to include both the initial presentation, within the period indicated above, and the possible corrections that are requested by the investigating body to the beneficiaries.
The electronic presentation does not exempt the beneficiaries from keeping the originals of the proof of expenditure and payment, audit reports, or others, in case they were subsequently required by the investigating body and responsible for the follow-up or, when carrying out the control activities legally foreseen, by the General Intervention of the State Administration or the Court of Auditors.
7. The justification for the aid shall always contain, irrespective of the action taken, the following documentation:
- a) Report of action signed justifying compliance with the conditions and the purpose for which the subsidy was granted, in which each of the actions carried out are described in detail indicating the corresponding expense incurred, the results obtained and the means of verification of compliance.
- b) Invoices or certifications duly formed and approved by the competent municipal body or equivalent body in the case of another beneficiary, or other documents accrediting the payment that prove the realization in time and form of the eligible investment. The invoices must be dated within the deadline for the execution of the project, being necessary the conformity of these and their corresponding approval by the competent body.
- c) Justificación de pago efectivo de los gastos realizados, mediante certificado de la Intervención municipal u órgano similar en el caso de otro beneficiario de los pagos realizados, en el que deberá especificarse la identificación del acreedor, la fecha de liquidación del gasto, número de factura e importe o justificantes bancarios de salida de fondos, todo ello acompañado de las facturas.
- d) En caso de subcontratación, documentación acreditativa de haber cumplido las disposiciones relativas a la adjudicación de los contratos públicos de conformidad con la Ley 9/2017, de 8 de noviembre (incluyendo los pliegos y publicaciones en boletines correspondientes, documentos contables en relación con el gasto e informes de mesas de contratación en relación con la adjudicación, adjudicaciones definitivas y presupuestos de otras ofertas). En el caso de que, por cualquier circunstancia ajustada a derecho, no sea obligatorio la realización del correspondiente procedimiento de adjudicación, aportar documentación justificativa que acredite tal circunstancia e informe técnico responsable en el que se justifique la oferta seleccionada.
- e) En el caso de que la adjudicación haya sido por contrato menor, justificar adecuadamente por qué se ha llevado a cabo ese tipo de adjudicación.
- f) Certificado del Secretario del Ayuntamiento o figura equivalente, de la realización de las actuaciones que han sido financiadas con cargo a la subvención, en el que se consignarán los importes ejecutados correspondientes a las mismas.
- g) Cualquier otra documentación justificativa o informes que de acuerdo con la normativa nacional o europea resulten exigibles en el marco del Plan de Recuperación.Además, los beneficiarios están obligados a la presentación de la memoria final científico técnica y económica (anexo VII y VIII) en el plazo de tres meses desde la finalización del proyecto, así como a los informes científico técnicos intermedios (anexo IX).
- h) Un informe técnico independiente que valore la consonancia de los gastos realizados con el proyecto ejecutado y su viabilidad técnica.
No obstante, se podrá requerir documentación justificativa complementaria para la justificación del gasto realizado, así como para dar cumplimiento al adecuado sistema de gestión y seguimiento del Plan de Recuperación, informando de lo que sea preciso para alimentar dicho sistema, así como las aplicaciones informáticas o bases de datos que la normativa nacional o europea prevea para la gestión, el seguimiento y control de la financiación y los objetivos.
8. Tras la correspondiente comprobación técnico-económica, el órgano responsable del seguimiento emitirá una certificación acreditativa del cumplimiento de los fines que justificaron la concesión de la financiación. Dicha certificación determinará, en su caso, el acuerdo de la procedencia de reintegro a los efectos establecidos en el artículo 37 de la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre.
Artículo 25 Modificaciones
1. Toda alteración de las condiciones tenidas en cuenta para la concesión de la subvención podrá dar lugar a la modificación de la resolución de concesión.
2. Las circunstancias específicas que pueden dar lugar a la modificación de la resolución de concesión son:
- a) Causas sobrevenidas que no pudieron preverse en el momento de la solicitud, y que no fuesen previsibles con anterioridad.
- b) Necesidad de ajustar la actividad a especificaciones técnicas, de salud, medioambientales, urbanísticas, de seguridad o de accesibilidad, aprobadas con posterioridad a la adjudicación de la ayuda.
- c) La modificación del desglose del importe total subvencionado de las distintas categorías de gastos, siempre y cuando sea presupuestariamente posible y no suponga incremento de la cuantía inicialmente concedida y esté debidamente motivada siempre que se acredite la necesidad técnica del proyecto.
3. En ningún caso podrá variarse el destino o finalidad de la subvención, los objetivos perseguidos con la ayuda concedida, ni alterar la actividad, programa, actuación o comportamiento para los que se concedió, ni elevar la cuantía de la subvención obtenida que figura en la resolución de concesión, ni prorrogar el plazo de ejecución de los proyectos. La variación tampoco podrá afectar a:
- a) Aquellos aspectos propuestos u ofertados por el beneficiario que fueron razón de su concreto otorgamiento
- b) El cumplimiento del principio de «no causar un perjuicio significativo», o de los hitos y objetivos establecidos en el Plan de Recuperación.
4. Cualquier modificación requerirá la previa solicitud del interesado. El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes concluirá quince días hábiles antes de que finalice el plazo de ejecución de los gastos inicialmente previstos y deberá ser aceptado de forma expresa por el órgano que dictó la resolución de concesión, notificándose al interesado. En caso de no recibir notificación de la aceptación por el órgano que dictó la resolución de concesión en un plazo de diez días, se entenderá como desestimada la modificación.
5. La sustitución de elementos del presupuesto financiable por otros con funcionalidad y objetivo equivalente no requerirá la solicitud de modificación de la resolución de concesión, siempre que se cumplan las condiciones que se especifican:
- a) En el caso de gastos relacionados con la implementación de soluciones tecnológicas y sostenibles, las sustituidas deberán desempeñar la misma función dentro del proyecto, pudiendo diferir las características técnicas.
- b) En el caso de colaboraciones externas, podrá sustituirse el colaborador inicialmente previsto por otro, siempre y cuando las actividades en las que colabore sean las originales, y el nuevo colaborador tenga capacidad de acometerlas.
- c) En todos los casos, el importe financiable de la categoría de gasto considerado debe permanecer igual que en la resolución de concesión. Además, deberán justificarse las sustituciones efectuadas en la documentación justificativa que se exige en el artículo 20.
6. La solicitud de modificación de concesión se realizará siguiendo las instrucciones de la Guía de Procedimiento que se encontrará disponible en el Portal de Ayudas del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (https://www.mincotur.gob.es/PortalAyudas).
7. Si como resultado de la modificación de la resolución de concesión se tuviera un exceso de ayuda concedida, se procederá de manera inmediata a iniciar el procedimiento de reintegro del pago anticipado más los intereses de demora desde el momento del pago hasta la fecha en que se acuerde el reintegro, por importe del citado exceso.
Artículo 26 Control de la ayuda
1. Tanto en la fase de concesión de las ayudas como en la de pago de las mismas o con posterioridad a éste, el órgano concedente, así como los órganos de control competentes, incluidos los recogidos en el artículo 22.2.e) del Reglamento (UE) 2021/241, de 12 de febrero de 2021, y el artículo 129 del Reglamento Financiero (Reglamento (UE, Euratom) 2018/1046, de 18 de julio de 2018, podrán realizar todos aquellos controles e inspecciones que consideren convenientes, con el objeto de asegurar el buen fin de la ayuda concedida, estando los solicitantes obligados a prestar colaboración y proporcionar cualquier otra documentación e información que se estime necesaria para la verificación del cumplimiento de las condiciones establecidas en la presente orden. Asimismo, los beneficiarios se comprometen a facilitar las inspecciones y comprobaciones que, en su caso, se efectúen. La oposición a la realización de estas comprobaciones e inspecciones podrá constituir causa de reintegro de la ayuda, sin perjuicio de la tramitación del correspondiente procedimiento sancionador.
2. El órgano concedente de la subvención aplicará medidas dirigidas a prevenir, detectar, comunicar y corregir el fraude y la corrupción, prevenir el conflicto de intereses y la doble financiación.
3. La Administración y cualquier otro órgano de entre los contemplados en el artículo 22 del Reglamento (UE) 2021/241, de 12 de febrero de 2021, podrán acceder a la información contenida en el Registro de Titularidades Reales, así como a cualquier otra base de datos de la Administración a efectos de suministrar dichos datos sobre los titulares reales.
4. A efectos de información y control de estas ayudas, se cederá la información entre los sistemas establecidos para la gestión y control de estas subvenciones con los Sistemas de los Fondos Europeos.
Artículo 27 Incumplimientos, reintegros y sanciones
1. El incumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos en esta orden y en las demás normas aplicables, así como de las condiciones que, en su caso, se hayan establecido en la correspondiente resolución de concesión, dará lugar a la obligación de devolver la ayuda percibida más los intereses de demora correspondientes, en el momento de detectarse el incumplimiento, conforme a lo dispuesto en el artículo 38 de la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre.
2. Serán causa de reintegro total o parcial, las previstas en el artículo 37.1 de la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre.
Asimismo, el incumplimiento de las condiciones asociadas al principio «no causar un perjuicio significativo» por parte de las entidades beneficiarias de la ayuda también supondrá el reintegro de las cuantías percibidas.
3. El procedimiento de comprobación y control se detallará en las convocatorias y se regirá, así mismo, de acuerdo con las instrucciones y normativa que se establezcan desde el Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública en relación con el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia.
4. De acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 7 de la Ley 22/2021, de 28 de diciembre, y el artículo 37 del Real Decreto-ley 36/2020, de 30 de diciembre, en caso de no realizarse el gasto o en caso de incumplimiento total o parcial de los objetivos previstos, las entidades beneficiarias deberán reintegrar los fondos recibidos al Tesoro Público de manera total o parcial, en cada caso. El procedimiento de reintegro deberá ajustarse a lo contenido en la Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre.
5. Las cantidades a reintegrar tendrán la consideración de ingresos de derecho público, resultando de aplicación lo previsto en la Ley General Presupuestaria.
6. El acuerdo por el que se inicie el procedimiento de reintegro deberá indicar la causa que determina su inicio, las obligaciones incumplidas y el importe de la ayuda afectada. Recibida notificación del inicio del procedimiento de reintegro, el interesado podrá presentar las alegaciones y documentación que estime pertinentes, en un plazo de quince días hábiles desde dicha notificación.
7. Corresponderá dictar la resolución del expediente al órgano concedente, debiendo ser notificada al interesado en un plazo máximo de doce meses desde la fecha del acuerdo de iniciación. La resolución indicará quién es la persona obligada al reintegro, las obligaciones incumplidas, la causa del procedimiento entre las previstas en el apartado segundo de este artículo y el importe a reintegrar junto a los intereses de demora.
8. De conformidad con el artículo 90 del Reglamento por el que se desarrolla la Ley General de Subvenciones, se entiende por devolución voluntaria aquella que es realizada por el beneficiario sin el previo requerimiento de la Administración.
Para poder realizar el ingreso correspondiente, será de aplicación lo establecido en la Orden del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda de 1 de febrero de 1996, por la que se aprueba la Instrucción de operatoria contable a seguir en la ejecución del gasto del Estado, modificada por la Orden HAP/336/2014, de 4 de marzo.
El interesado deberá informar de su intención de practicar una devolución voluntaria y su importe al servicio gestor concedente, y esperar la recepción del correspondiente documento de ingreso 069, para hacer efectivo el pago.
Artículo 28 Criterios de graduación de los posibles incumplimientos
1. El incumplimiento total de los fines para los que se concedió la ayuda, de la realización de los gastos financiables, o de la obligación de justificación, dará lugar al reintegro del pago anticipado más los intereses de demora desde el momento del pago hasta la fecha en que se acuerde el reintegro.
2. No se considerará que existe incumplimiento de los fines para los que se concedió la ayuda el supuesto en el que no se aporten en la fase de justificación las tres ofertas exigidas y el importe total de la colaboración externa para un mismo proveedor supere las cuantías establecidas en la Ley 9/2017, de 8 de noviembre, de Contratos del Sector Público, para el contrato menor, si bien no se considerará justificada dicha colaboración.
En estos casos, se requerirá el reintegro de la subvención recibida en el porcentaje correspondiente a la inversión no efectuada o no justificada más los correspondientes intereses de demora.
3. Cuando el cumplimiento por el beneficiario se aproxime de modo significativo al cumplimiento total y se acredite por éste una actuación inequívocamente tendente a la satisfacción de sus compromisos y de las condiciones de otorgamiento de la ayuda, se tendrá en cuenta los siguientes criterios:
- a) El incumplimiento parcial de los fines para los que se concedió la ayuda, de la realización de la inversión financiable, o de la obligación de justificación, dará lugar al reintegro del pago anticipado más los intereses de demora, en el porcentaje correspondiente a la inversión no efectuada o no justificada.
- b) A los efectos de lo dispuesto en los apartados anteriores se considerará incumplimiento total el equivalente a un porcentaje inferior al 60 por ciento de realización de la inversión financiable, y cumplimiento aproximado de modo significativo al total el equivalente a un 60 por ciento o superior.
A efectos de calcular el anterior porcentaje, se entiende como inversión no realizada la que no esté acreditada documentalmente, la que acredite conceptos no financiables, la que no respete el desglose de partidas de la orden de concesión, y la no facturada y/o pagada.
4. En todo caso, el alcance del incumplimiento será total en los siguientes casos:
- a) El falseamiento, la inexactitud o la omisión en los datos suministrados por el beneficiario que hayan servido de base para la concesión.
- b) Incumplimiento de la finalidad para la que la ayuda fue concedida.
- c) La no inscripción en los registros oficiales exigidos por la legislación para el desarrollo de la actividad financiada.
Convocatoria de las ayudas para el ejercicio 2021
Artículo 29 Objeto de la convocatoria, condiciones y finalidad de la concesión
1. Se convocan ayudas para el año 2021, en los términos establecidos en las bases reguladoras incluidas en el capítulo II de esta orden, destinadas a financiar proyectos de I+D para dar respuesta a los retos de los destinos turísticos.
2. La finalidad de estas ayudas es dar respuesta a los siete retos de los destinos turísticos, tal y como se indica en el artículo 5 de la presente orden.
3. La convocatoria se enmarca en la inversión 2, «Programa de digitalización e inteligencia para destinos y sector turístico», Proyecto 1, «Plan de Transformación Digital de Destinos Turísticos», del Componente 14, denominado «Plan de modernización y competitividad del sector turístico» del Plan de Recuperación, y contribuirá a los objetivos asociados a la misma, de acuerdo con la normativa reguladora del mecanismo de recuperación y resiliencia y del Plan de Recuperación a nivel europeo y nacional.
4. El pago de la ayuda tendrá el carácter de anticipado por importe del 100 por ciento de la ayuda concedida.
5. La concesión de las ayudas queda condicionada a la existencia de crédito adecuado y suficiente en el momento de la resolución de concesión.
Artículo 30 Financiación
1. El presupuesto asignado a la presente convocatoria asciende a 1.000.000,00 euros con cargo a la partida presupuestaria 20.50.460A.780.
2. Esta convocatoria está financiada por el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia de la Unión europea, establecido por el Reglamento (UE) 2020/2094 del Consejo, de 14 de diciembre de 2020, por el que se establece un Instrumento de Recuperación de la Unión Europea para apoyar la recuperación tras la crisis de la COVID-19, y regulado según el Reglamento (UE) 2021/241 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 12 de febrero de 2021.
De acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 7 de la Ley 22/2021, de 28 de diciembre, y en el artículo 37 del Real Decreto-ley 36/2020, de 30 de diciembre, la financiación correspondiente a estas ayudas está legalmente afectada a financiar los proyectos o líneas de acción que se integren dentro del Plan de Recuperación.
Artículo 31 Procedimiento de concesión de las ayudas
1. El procedimiento de concesión de las ayudas será el de concurrencia competitiva, entre las solicitudes presentadas por los potenciales beneficiarios establecidos en el artículo 6, conforme a los principios de publicidad, transparencia, igualdad y no discriminación.
2. Los criterios para evaluación de las solicitudes serán los señalados en el artículo 22 de la presente orden.
Artículo 32 Requisitos para solicitar la subvención y forma de acreditarlos
En cuanto a los requisitos para solicitar la subvención y la forma de acreditarlos se estará a lo dispuesto en los artículos 8, 17, 19 y 20 de la presente orden.
En todo caso, y en cuanto a la identificación de los solicitantes, se deberán incluir los aspectos señalados en el artículo 8.1 de la Orden HFP/1030/2021, de 29 de septiembre: CIF del beneficiario, razón social, domicilio fiscal, así como acreditación de la inscripción en el Censo de empresarios, profesionales y retenedores de la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria o en el censo equivalente de la Administración Tributaria Foral, reflejando la actividad económica efectivamente desarrollada a la fecha de solicitud de la ayuda.
Artículo 33 Obligaciones de los beneficiarios
Las entidades beneficiarias habrán de cumplir con las obligaciones a que se refiere el artículo 8 de esta orden.
Asimismo, deben cumplir con las obligaciones de información y publicidad indicadas en los artículos 10 y 11.
Artículo 34 Órganos competentes para la instrucción y resolución del procedimiento
Por lo que se refiere a los órganos competentes para la instrucción y resolución del procedimiento se estará a lo dispuesto en el artículo 16 de la presente orden.
Artículo 35 Plazo de presentación de solicitudes
El plazo de presentación de solicitudes se iniciará con la publicación del extracto de la convocatoria en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado», por un periodo de un mes.
Artículo 36 Plazo de resolución y notificación
Se estará a lo dispuesto en los artículos 23 de la presente orden.
Artículo 37 Resolución de concesión
Contra la resolución de concesión, podrá interponerse los recursos previstos en el artículo 42.
Artículo 38 Criterios de evaluación de las solicitudes
En cuanto a los criterios de evaluación de las solicitudes se estará a lo dispuesto en el artículo 22 de la presente orden.
Artículo 39 Medios de notificación y publicación
Por lo que se refiere a los medios de notificación y publicación de las resoluciones de concesión, se estará a lo establecido en el artículo 23 de la presente orden.
Artículo 40 Período de realización de los proyectos y actuaciones subvencionables
En los proyectos que se presenten a esta convocatoria podrán financiarse gastos devengados y pagados entre la fecha de publicación del extracto de la convocatoria y el 31 de diciembre de 2023. La realización del proyecto presentado para su financiación deberá estar finalizado en dicha fecha. Quedan excluidos aquellos proyectos terminados a fecha de finalización del plazo de presentación de solicitudes.
Artículo 41 Justificación de las ayudas
Se establece un plazo de tres meses desde la finalización de las actuaciones subvencionadas, de acuerdo con el cronograma presentado en la solicitud, para presentar la justificación de los gastos realizados y, en todo caso, antes de 31 de marzo de 2023.
Artículo 42 Recursos
1. Los actos dictados en el procedimiento de concesión de las ayudas podrán ser impugnados en los casos y formas establecidas en la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas. Contra la resolución expresa, o en su caso, la desestimación presunta de la solicitud, que pone fin a la vía administrativa, podrá interponerse potestativamente, recurso de reposición, ante el mismo órgano que lo ha dictado en el plazo de un mes, o bien, directamente, recurso contencioso-administrativo, en el plazo de dos meses, computados desde el día siguiente al de su notificación en el caso de que haya dictado un acto expreso, y en el segundo caso, a partir del día siguiente a aquel en que, de acuerdo con su normativa específica, se produzca el acto presunto; sin perjuicio de cuantos otros recursos se estime oportuno deducir.
2. La interposición de recursos de reposición deberá realizarse ante el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, a través del Registro Electrónico del mismo.
Artículo 43 Publicidad y difusión de resultados
1. Las entidades beneficiarias deberán aportar, al menos anualmente, productos divulgativos de los avances y resultados del proyecto en un lenguaje adaptado para facilitar su comprensión.
2. Se deberá publicar en abierto y dar acceso abierto a los datos de investigación sin perjuicio de las excepciones previstas en el artículo 11.4.
3. Las publicaciones se depositarán en repositorios institucionales o temáticos de acceso abierto en un plazo de ocho meses tras su publicación en las revistas académicas.
Disposición final primera Título competencial
Esta orden se dicta al amparo de lo dispuesto en el artículo 149.1.15.ª de la Constitución Española, que atribuye al Estado la competencia exclusiva al Estado, para el fomento y coordinación general de la investigación científica y técnica,
Disposición final segunda Salvaguarda del rango no reglamentario
Las disposiciones incluidas en el capítulo III de la presente orden, sobre la convocatoria de ayudas para el ejercicio de 2021, no tienen naturaleza reglamentaria sino de acto administrativo.
Disposición final tercera Entrada en vigor
Esta orden entrará en vigor el día siguiente al de su publicación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado».
Requisitos de los investigadores *
Requisitos del investigador principal:
- 1. Los investigadores principales deberán cumplir los siguientes requisitos desde la fecha de cierre del plazo de presentación de solicitudes hasta que finalice el periodo de ejecución del proyecto:
- a) Tener el Grado de Doctor. Se entenderá como fecha de obtención del Grado de Doctor la fecha del acto de defensa y aprobación de la tesis doctoral. En el caso de investigadores que tengan más de un doctorado, este requisito se referirá al primero de los doctorados obtenidos.En el caso de que el solicitante sea un Centro Tecnológico o un Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación Tecnológica de los descritos en el artículo 5, también podrán ser IP los investigadores que estén en posesión de la titulación universitaria de licenciado, ingeniero, arquitecto o graduado y que acrediten experiencia en actividades de I+D+i durante al menos cinco años o que, alternativamente, hayan dirigido proyectos de I+D+i de tipo B, descritos en el artículo 8, del Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011 o de los planes estatales de I+D+i 2013-2016 o 2017-2020.
- b) Cumplir el requisito de vinculación según lo establecido a continuación:
- 1.º Cumplen el requisito de vinculación los IP que tengan una relación funcionarial, estatutaria, laboral o cualquier otro vínculo profesional con la entidad solicitante o con otra entidad que cumpla los requisitos previstos en el artículo 5, siempre que esta le autorice expresamente a participar en la solicitud presentada por la entidad solicitante, sin perjuicio de lo establecido en el artículo 21.Cuando los IP estén vinculados a la entidad solicitante, la firma electrónica de la solicitud presentada por la persona que ostente la representación legal de la entidad solicitante implicará la veracidad del cumplimiento del requisito de vinculación y el compromiso de la entidad de mantener dicha vinculación desde la fecha de cierre del plazo de presentación de solicitudes hasta que finalice el periodo de ejecución del proyecto.Cuando los IP estén vinculados a una entidad distinta de la solicitante deberá existir una declaración, firmada por la persona que ostente la representación legal de dicha entidad, en la que se le autorice a participar en el proyecto como IP y se comprometa al mantenimiento de su vinculación desde la fecha de cierre del plazo de presentación de solicitudes hasta que finalice el periodo de ejecución del proyecto.La entidad solicitante deberá contar con dicha declaración, quedando como depositaria de la misma, pero no se presentará con la solicitud.
- 2.º Los contratados del programa «Ramón y Cajal», del Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i, Subprograma Estatal de Incorporación, que se presenten como IP, si no cumplen el requisito de vinculación desde el día en que finalice el plazo de presentación de solicitudes hasta la fecha final del periodo de ejecución del proyecto, podrán ir con otra IP que cumpla los requisitos de la convocatoria, figurando este último como interlocutor,
- 3.º La expectativa de nombramiento o contratación con motivo de haber superado un procedimiento de selección de personal en concurrencia competitiva convocado por cualquier entidad del sector público, según la definición del artículo 2 de la Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, shall be considered to be sufficient linkage. The calls for public aid for the hiring of human resources corresponding to the State Program for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability in R + D + i in which it is required to be in possession of the degree of doctor, and the incorporation of researchers / as doctors who are financed with funds from the calls for accreditations and grants «Severo Ochoa» and «María de Maeztu» are considered included. of the State Program for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R&D&I System.
The applicant entity must have the document that proves the expectation of appointment or hiring, remaining as depositary of the same, but will not be presented with the application. In any case, the link must be effective throughout the period of execution of the project. If this requirement is not met, the beneficiary entity must communicate this circumstance and will entail the total reimbursement and / or the loss of right to the collection of the subsidy granted.
- c) Not be hired from the funds obtained in calls for the state plans for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 or 2017-2020, with the exception of the aid corresponding to the State Program for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability in R + D + i in which it is required to be in possession of the degree of doctor or the aid «Severo Ochoa» and «María de Maeztu» without specific action 15 of the State Program for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R&D&I System.
- d) The regime of participation and compatibility of the IPs is established in the following terms:
- 1st If it is listed as an IP in an application submitted to this call, it cannot be listed either as an IP or as a staff of the research team in another application of the same call, regardless of the modality or type of project.
- 2nd It will not be possible to appear as an IP in an application submitted to this call if, on the closing date of the deadline for submitting applications, you participate as an IP or as a staff of the research team, in accordance with the deadline set in the concession resolution, without taking into account the extension periods that would have been granted.
- 3rd There will be no incompatibility with participation in projects that have obtained funding from calls for the VII Framework Programme for R&D&I, the Framework Programmes for R&D&I Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe or from Joint Programming initiatives of the European Research Area, from the Regional R&D&I Plans of the Autonomous Communities, or any other call, as long as the maximum limit of hours / year for each professional category established in the labor agreement or equivalent of the IP entity is respected.
- 2. Failure to comply with the requirements of the IP detected during the instruction procedure of the call will determine the exclusion of the application. If the non-compliance occurs after the aid has been granted, it may lead to the interruption of the project and the initiation of the procedure for the total or partial reimbursement of the grant granted.
- 3. If the project has been submitted with two IPs and one is excluded for not meeting the requirements established in this call, the application with a single IP may be accepted for processing.Requirements of the research team and work team.
- 1. Persons in the research team shall meet the following requirements from the closing date of the deadline for submitting applications until the end of the project implementation period:
- a) Be in possession of the degree of doctor or the university degree of bachelor, engineering, architecture or degree.
- b) Comply with the bonding requirement.
- c) The regime of participation and compatibility of the persons of the research team is established in the following terms:
- 1st It will be possible to appear as personnel of the research team in a maximum of two applications of this call.
- 2nd If on the closing date of the deadline for submission of applications, you participate as a member of the research team in a project, whose end date is later than December 31, 2021, in accordance with the deadline set in your concession resolution, without taking into account the extension periods that would have been granted, may be listed as staff of the research team at most in an application for this call. If you participate as a member of the research team in more than one project, in accordance with the provisions of this point, you may not be listed as a staff of the research team in any application for this call.
- 3rd It will not be possible to appear in an application of this call as personnel of the research team if it is listed as IP in another application presented in this same call, regardless of the modality or typology of project.
- 4th It will not be possible to appear as personnel of the research team in an application of this call if, on the closing date of the deadline for submission of applications, it participates as AN IP in a project granted, whose end date is later than December 31, 2021, in accordance with the deadline set in its concession resolution, without taking into account the extension periods that would have been granted.
- 2. Failure to comply with the requirements of the research team staff will determine the exclusion of the researcher from all applications of this call in which such non-compliance occurs. Once the call has been resolved, only the reinstatement in the research team of the researchers who were excluded due to lack of connection will be authorized, provided that this is accredited.
- 3. The work team will be formed by those people who participate in the execution of the project and who do not appear as IP or as personnel of the research team, including research staff, contracted personnel, pre-doctoral personnel in training, technical personnel to support research, research personnel belonging to research entities without tax residence or permanent establishment in Spain, provided that their contribution to the project is expressed in the work plan.
- 1. Persons in the research team shall meet the following requirements from the closing date of the deadline for submitting applications until the end of the project implementation period:
Persons who have an official, statutory, employment or any other professional relationship with the applicant entity or with another entity that meets the requirements of Article 5, with the exception of the categories listed in this section, must not appear in the work team.
The people who are part of the project work team must be included in the application form and the activities they carry out must be described in the scientific-technical report. The members of the work team may not be listed as responsible for the objectives and tasks of the project. Eligible expenditure arising from these activities may be charged to the project provided that they are justified in the mandatory reports of economic and scientific-technical justification.
of the project
The requirements set out in this Annex apply to both the intermediate and the final report.
The maximum length of pages of the document including the cover and the index will be 50 pages The Arial or Times New Roman typography will be used, size 12, margins: Superior: 2.5 cm; left: 3 cm; bottom: 2.5 cm; right: 3 cm and with single line spacing.
The report must contain the following headings with the maximum number of pages indicated. Activities of entities that are not part of the consortium or activities of entities that, although they are part of the consortium, do not have an economic quantification in the budget may not be included in the report.
Aid for R&D projects to respond to the challenges of tourist destinations.
Call 2021.
Project title |
(Minimum 4, maximum 7) |
Name. | |
Surnames. | |
Email. |
1. Summary of the project.
2. Background and current context.
3. Approach and Methodology.
4. Work plan.
5. Description of the entity and experience of the research team.
6. Applicability, usefulness and expected impact.
7. Measures for the exploitation and dissemination of results.
8. Gender mainstreaming.
9. Budget and justification of expenses.
1. Summary of the project Respond in a concrete and brief way to each of the sections. The lack of response in any of them will not be remediable and will invalidate the request:
- (a) Background information: What need or problem the project intends to respond to; How this proposal intends to respond to that need or problem;
- b) collaboration: Scientific Area to which the IP that coordinates the project belongs; groups that participate, whether they are from the same scientific area or from a different one;
- c) applicability, usefulness and impact: What are the expected results (deliverables); What are the next steps, perspectives and modes of application or use of the results generated (future R&D, innovation project, transfer, knowledge management, implementation in destinations, etc.); What is the potential impact of harnessing the expected results and in which areas or areas this impact is expected; Abstract of the project (250 words maximum).
2. Background and current context. Clearly reflect: Either the aspects that motivate the application or the innovative nature of the project, indicating the scientific-technical contribution (and where appropriate, competitive or positioning) of the same in relation to the current context, and include a section with the most relevant bibliography).
3. Approach and Methodology. Clearly describe: Either hypothesis, objectives, study design, subjects, variables, data collection and analysis, limitations of the study and ethical considerations and contingency plan or phase of the development of the project that allows to assess the proposed progress (in knowledge, valorization and development of new products or services, or decision making).
4. Work plan. Describe the stages of project development, the distribution of tasks and the organizational structure to carry it out, and may include a schedule with the phases, tasks and main milestones / deliverables of the project.
5. Description of the entity and experience of the research team. Briefly describe the global team (participating agents) showing the complementarity of the consortium and the advantages of collaboration between the agents. Describe the experience of the research team of each participating agent including references to projects, relevant publications, and other results The report will be accompanied by the Curriculum Vitae of the members of the research team, and the list of people who make up the research group.
6. Applicability, usefulness and expected impact. Clearly describe the expected results and expected impact of the project, indicating how these impacts are expected to be achieved.
7. Measures for the exploitation and dissemination of results. Define the measures planned to guarantee the expected impact of the project: o Generation of publications, implantable/scalable results in tourist destinations (describing the process of the potential application of those results in the tourism system), transfer products, patents or other commercially exploitable results (describing how and through whom) or Dissemination of deliverables.
8. Gender mainstreaming. Description of the consideration or treatment of this aspect in the project.
9. Budget and justification of expenses. Justification of the different concepts of the aid requested. Include details of the information for each applicant agent by completing the economic report in the excel sheet of Annex III, which must accompany the report (Annex I). Specify if other aid has been requested and/or obtained for the development of the project or part of it.